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Dance between Ropes
45 min
(30 min reduced version possible)

A contemporary circus show with a choreographic investigation in aerial rope and other smaller ropes through a poetic and danced body language.

A world made of ropes in which metaphors of femininity intertwine. A composition that mixes sensitivity and vertigo.

“A world made of ropes, knots in which metaphors of femininity are knotted and unknotted, 

a suspended body that dances solving the riddles of entanglements.”

In a world made of ropes, a woman preoccupied with her appearance entangles herself in the spider web of her unconsciousness. She explores the monstrosities of her inner self until she uncovers the tangles of everything she has become accustomed to keeping silent behind her desire to reflect the feminine standards of elegance. In the entanglements she finds paths and solutions and discovers her authenticity to the point of embracing her lights and shadows.

Araké is a desire for authenticity, a praise for the discovery of possibilities hidden by limitations, a reminder to learn how to solve what seems inextricable.




Con el apoyo de Mov'in up SpettacoloPerforming Arts 2021-2022

A cura di MIC Ministero della Cultura Direzione Generale Spettacolo e GAI Associazione per il Circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani insieme con Regione Puglia TPP Teatro Pubblico Pugliese

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Creazione Realizzata con il sostegno della Casa del Circo Contemporaneo Nell'ambito del Progetto Triennale Interregionale Artisti nei territori 2022-2024, in attuazione dell'art. 43 del D.M 27 luglio 2017

With the support of:
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PH: Francesco Lanciotti, Pau Gaya

Clara Larcher

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